|| ◷ Tempo de leitura: < 1 Minuto ||

All the satellites were gone,
My feet were naked on the ground
I stood by myself
As the narrow sun went down.

All Stars-of-Bethlehem were torn
And pretty blue birds disappeared.
I stood by myself
Admiring beauties never feared.

All bright promises got lost, while
Rivers washed away the stars.
I stood by myself
As the night sky shattered ours.

My world collapsed.
I was in two.
Great pieces of my soul
Came crashing through.

My head was weak.
My breath rushed too.
My world collapsed.
Oh sweetie, you…

No shame left,
Nor feelings to
Let my chest live
Forever blue.

Bruna Rodrigues


Painting By, Vincent van Gogh, “Road with Cypress and Star” (Kröller-Müller Museum)

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